
Customer Testimonials

"Thank you very much for your confidence!"

"When Mrs. Müller asked me to write some words about homefacility I accepted with pleasure. I got in contact with homefacility in 2012 when I inherited two apartments in Berlin from my mother. At first I wanted to sell them immediately because there was no time to travel to Berlin and I had no glue how to organize everything from Rome. But even selling seemed to be complicated. My internet research led me to homefacility and I decided to try how to deal with furnished flats. I got in contact with Mrs. Müller. She organised the furnishing, the photos and everything needed to rent my apartments. She answered any question I had (and there were many..) competently and friendly. So the project started successfully and I’m client now for 5 years. I would recommend homefacility even to my best friends. Thank you so much for your excellent support."

Carla Gentili, Rome

"...professional, reliable, and for me as a landlord always a trustworthy partner."

Anders Madsen, Aarhus

"If someone is looking for a professional, competent and very friendly carer for his furnished apartmentwhich he offers for renting, I would recommend homefacility by Claudia Müller. I live abroad and am dependent on getting such a good and reliable service. Thanks a lot to the team!"

Maria Stavropoulou, Athens
